How to Save Money by Buying Hair Clippers from China at Wholesale Cost

by | Apr 5, 2023 | Hair Clipper

Hair clippers are one of the most popular and essential tools for barbers, stylists, and DIY enthusiasts who want to cut and style their own hair. However, buying hair clippers from local retailers or online platforms can be quite expensive, especially if you need to buy multiple units or high-end models. That’s why many people are looking for alternative ways to save money by buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost.

China is the world’s largest manufacturer and exporter of hair clippers, as well as other consumer electronics and hair appliances. According to the data from, there are more than 20,000 hair clipper products from over 2,000 suppliers in China. These products vary in quality, performance, features, design, and price, so you can find the best ones that suit your needs and preferences.

Buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost can have several benefits, such as:

  • Lower prices: Wholesale prices are usually much lower than retail prices, as you can buy directly from the manufacturers or distributors without any middlemen or markups. You can save up to 50% or more by buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost.
  • Larger quantities: Wholesale orders usually require a minimum order quantity (MOQ), which means you have to buy a certain number of units to get the wholesale price. This can be beneficial if you need to buy a lot of hair clippers for your salon, barber shop, or personal use, as you can get more products for less money.
  • More choices: China has a huge and diverse market of hair clipper products and suppliers, so you can have more options to choose from. You can compare different products and features more easily and find the ones that match your requirements and expectations.

However, buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost also has some challenges and risks, such as:

  • Quality issues: Quality is one of the most important factors when buying hair clippers, as it affects the performance, durability, safety, and satisfaction of the product. However, not all hair clipper products and suppliers in China have the same quality standards and certifications. Some products may be defective, damaged, or counterfeit, while some suppliers may be unreliable, dishonest, or fraudulent. Therefore, you have to be careful and vigilant when buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost.
  • Shipping costs: Shipping costs are another factor that you have to consider when buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost. Depending on the weight, volume, destination, and delivery method of your order, shipping costs can vary significantly and affect your total cost and profit margin. You also have to factor in the customs duties, taxes, and fees that may apply to your order depending on your country’s regulations and policies.
  • Communication barriers: Communication barriers are another challenge that you may face when buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost. Language differences, cultural differences, time differences, and technical issues can make it difficult to communicate effectively and efficiently with the suppliers in China. You may encounter misunderstandings, delays, or disputes that can affect your order process and outcome.

Therefore, if you want to buy hair clippers from China at wholesale cost successfully and safely, you need to follow some tips and strategies, such as:

  • Do your research: Before buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost, you need to do your research thoroughly and carefully. You need to know what kind of hair clipper products you want to buy, what features and specifications you need, what price range you can afford, what quality standards and certifications you require, what shipping methods and costs you prefer, what payment methods and terms you accept, what legal issues and regulations you have to comply with, etc. You also need to research the market trends and demands of hair clipper products in your target market or niche.
  • Find reliable suppliers: Finding reliable suppliers is one of the most crucial steps when buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost. You need to find suppliers that have good reputation, credibility, experience, professionalism, service quality, and customer satisfaction. You can use various sources and platforms to find potential suppliers in China, such as:
    • Online directories: Online directories are websites that list various suppliers in different categories and industries. Some examples of online directories for hair clipper suppliers in China are,,, etc. You can browse these websites and filter your search by product name, keyword, category, region, certification, etc.
    • Trade shows: Trade shows are events where suppliers showcase their products and services to potential buyers and partners. Some examples of trade shows for hair clipper products in China are China Beauty Expo, Cosmoprof Asia, China International Hair Fair, etc. You can attend these events and meet the suppliers face-to-face, see their products in person, ask questions, negotiate deals, etc.
    • Online reviews: Online reviews are feedbacks and ratings from previous customers or buyers of the suppliers. You can find online reviews on various websites and platforms, such as Google, Facebook, Trustpilot, etc. You can read these reviews and see what other people think about the suppliers’ products, services, prices, quality, reliability, etc.
  • Online directories: Online directories are websites that list various suppliers in different categories and industries. Some examples of online directories for hair clipper suppliers in China are,,, etc. You can browse these websites and filter your search by product name, keyword, category, region, certification, etc.
  • Trade shows: Trade shows are events where suppliers showcase their products and services to potential buyers and partners. Some examples of trade shows for hair clipper products in China are China Beauty Expo, Cosmoprof Asia, China International Hair Fair, etc. You can attend these events and meet the suppliers face-to-face, see their products in person, ask questions, negotiate deals, etc.
  • Online reviews: Online reviews are feedbacks and ratings from previous customers or buyers of the suppliers. You can find online reviews on various websites and platforms, such as Google, Facebook, Trustpilot, etc. You can read these reviews and see what other people think about the suppliers’ products, services, prices, quality, reliability, etc.
  • Request samples: Requesting samples is another important step when buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost. Samples are small quantities or units of the products that you can order from the suppliers to test and evaluate their quality, performance, features, design, etc. before placing a large order. Requesting samples can help you verify the suppliers’ claims and promises, check the product details and specifications, compare different products and suppliers, avoid scams and frauds, etc. However, requesting samples may also incur some costs and fees, such as sample fees, shipping fees, customs fees, etc. Therefore, you need to negotiate with the suppliers about the sample terms and conditions, such as sample quantity, sample price, sample delivery time, sample refund policy, etc.
  • Place your order: Placing your order is the final step when buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost. After you have found your ideal supplier and product, you need to place your order with the supplier and confirm the order details and specifications, such as product name, model, quantity, price, payment method, payment term, shipping method, shipping cost, delivery time, warranty, etc. You also need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier that outlines the order terms and conditions, such as order confirmation, order cancellation, order modification, order dispute resolution, order liability, etc. You also need to pay attention to the order process and status, such as order confirmation, order production, order inspection, order shipment, order tracking, order delivery, order receipt, order feedback, etc.


Buying hair clippers from China at wholesale cost can be a great way to save money and get more products for less money. However, it also involves some challenges and risks that you have to overcome and avoid. Therefore, you need to follow some tips and strategies to buy hair clippers from China at wholesale cost successfully and safely. We hope this article has helped you learn how to buy hair clippers from China at wholesale cost for your needs. Happy shopping!

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Written By

Zhejiang Haohan Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., your reliable partner for personal care small household appliances. We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of electric epilators, rechargeable hair clippers, nose hair devices, and electric shavers. We have been in this industry since 1997, and we have earned a reputation for our high-quality products, innovative designs, and excellent service.

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